Monday, October 19, 2009

A Funny Thing Happened ...

On the way to giving detoxing a try... One of my younger sister's convinced me to try being a vegan for a week. Somehow, my two sisters completely unrelated to each other, living in two different parts of the country, have both ended up vegan. While I was visiting one of them in San Diego, it wasn't hard at all. Every restaurant, from a hole-in-the-wall taqueria to the corner sushi bar has a multitude of vegetarian (and many vegan) options. I got back to Atlanta and suddenly noticed what I'd never bothered looking at before: ingredients.

CONTAINS: Soy, wheat, milk.

So? Or at least that's what I'd thought before, let's call that B.V. And not only did she want me to try out veganism, but she wanted me to cut out gluten. Oh, that's no problem I thought. I can cut out potatoes. My wheat bread isn't made with potatoes. Wait, what?? Gluten is in wheat? I know about calories, fat, carbs, etc. How do I not know more about ingredients? Thus began Day 1 Lesson 1. I looked around and found very little of anything helpful relating to vegans in Atlanta, apart from a vegetarian's yelps that, despite the large quantity, rarely stray from descriptions like "good," "not good," "tasteless" and "bad." There's a reason some people are paid large amounts of money to be professional food critics. The rest of us get blogs.

This particular blog is not going to be a veggie food critique as much as a resource for great veggie food (hopefully). Welcome to Veg 'N Atlanta!